GDIT Presentation

Today i managed to get up from my bed to attend the 3DF assignment review lesson. Basically when i decided to go, i knew that i was in for strong critics, but i wanted to know whats wrong with my work and how i could have further improve on it.

Lesson ended around 11pm, as my class only had 5 of us present. The teacher also not very interested to showcase of work, and thinks its just a waste of time, so he just let us off early since there is nothing much.

Next, we head to FC6 benches and started to work on our presentation, but as all my group members were either busy with other stuff, or just felt confident of the project already. But i feel very insecure as we didn't have any practical stuff out to showcase to the judges. Anyway, it was too late for any changes, and I was too tired working on this project already or maybe i had other assignments to do and submit. Well, the time just pass by and pass, and it was already time to prepare for our showcase. Looking at the other groups, I believe that our logo design and T-shirt design is the most impressive one, but maybe our showcase is simply too plain for the judges to be impress in the first place. It just looks "empty". The grades were out around 5, and we deserved what we fare, although i think we could have done a much better job. No matter what, its already over. So, heres a good job for my group. I had fun working with everyone, but maybe we could have just push more!!

Alright, tomorrow have DRAW and STSB submission to be done, so no time to waste, its back to work.


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