
For effort made to make my blog more active and lively again, it will be better to fill it with a post on a daily basis. So, for today, I shall be sharing about this web-based game called Marketplace. It's an interactive web game for my other module which actually replaces all the unwanted, redundant exams.

Basically, you are required to form a team of four to create a company, trying to get your name established in-game by dominating the market demands of the three segment in the game, Workhorse, Mercs & Traveler. While it display a more realistic form of web game, with many things to think about such as Brand Design, Advertisements, Sale & Web Offices, Human Resource, Manufacturing and most importantly the accounts of the company!

It was played in the span of 6-8 weeks of lessons where you make decisions for the company and wait for the result once every group has wrapped up their decision. And today is the day where the final outcome of the game will be known to all. As our group made several grave mistakes in the beginning, thus we were lacking behind seriously with a negative balanced scorecard for the first 3 quarters of the game. It was only until the 4th quarter, when we finally managed a positive score of about 0.43.

Fortunately my faith paid off with the smallest segment but the highest spending power saved our company during quarter 5, giving me a revenue of 18m for the company, with at least 4m cash flow to work on for the final round. And with such a high revenue, I managed to get a 9.68 rating for that quarter but including the previous 5 score, our current cumulative score was 0.99 still at last position in the class.

And if you think that the score didnt matter in this module, Daryl made it so clear in the class how the score is going to greatly affect your final grades. With the last position a definate F grade excluding all your other projects or efforts made in the game. Well, shan just beat around the bush already, after all the upgrades, R&D and development of the company, our Final Cumulative Score was 4.819 bringing us to the 4th/6th position in class. Though the final quarter didn't do any much impact that it did at quarter 5 considering us not doing much R&D due to heavy debts occured earlier in the game, I'm just glad to be able to bring a living from a dead company that suffered so much during 3/4 of the game, just having a glimmer of hope at the last two rounds to bring our final score and position to this level.

I just wanna thank my team members for their faith in my decision for the final two rounds, as i know it was a gamble to just depend on me. But of course as it paid off well, maybe could have been much better if i was willing to gamble a little more. Also would want to thank all the VCs that buy in our company shares, as if it wasn't for their money contribution, Singtech Co wouldn't have raise from the dead and they also won't be earning extra $3m if they gave $1m to us.

Alright, guess i just end this wordy blog entry here as i prepare for my final last battle tomorrow before the submission dateline!!

Cheers to all FYP TEAMs in DDM.. Let's go!


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