
Back home from a recovery week of training in camp, though we did had a SOC trial and IPPT test to clear before heading over to Singapore Discovery Center for a visit to the Army Museum.

Earlier this week was mostly having lectures, or doing some practises on the obstacles we had to clear that caused most of our hands to have serious blisters, and also having recovery stretches and rest in between the days of the week. But what's the exchange rate for it, is to be able to clear all the obstacles in SOC in SBO and at least a PASS in IPPT on Friday, or else it's coming back on a Saturday morning for some training before being able to book out again. When i heard the news about it, honestly i was afraid that i won't be able to clear something that will cost me to come back camp for weekend training, and just the slightest thought of it made me become very careful and ensuring that i recover fast enough to perform for the upcoming test for the week.

Somehow, i managed to scrap through the full gear SOC trial during the mid-week and getting just enough rest for today's IPPT. Finally managed to score a SILVER grade, with more improvements to be expected though looking back to the 1st week when i just enlisted, when i only managed a FAIL just missing out some time for the PASS! Although i also managed to slice out another minute for my 2.4km run this time round, but if i'm supposed to be feeling happy about it, looking at the rest of my detactment doing just as well or even better, with the disappointed look at my DI. . I guess it affected me alot why i couldn't just push myself a little more to get a faster timing. But whatever it is, i went at least 80-90% of my MAX after about 10 weeks of trainings or so! So the improvement is hopefully good enough to carry on, afterall the next week will be spent in the field somewhere out there for field training, so yeah hopefully i make it through!!

. . . . . . Time ticks down, flies so fast. 3 more weeks before i'm done with my BMT phrase, can't wait to get out of this shitty low life! Days pass, time pass, life goes on, everyday, everywhere, everytime no matter how tired i'll be from the trainings, just the thought of recieving something from you made everything worth! Sometimes i thought if maybe, just listening to your voice for a min or so would made the night even sweeter. But i know it's not possible all the time, perhaps i'm just a simple man with simple thoughts. Being stuck in camp not knowing what's happening on the outside makes me worry alot, alot more than i wonder if i can concentrate on trainings. But somehow i always get some reassurance, yet i can't fully keep that faith. Maybe this phrase 'once bitten twice shy' has taught me not to be over confident, till the point i'm losing confident so easily. I'm scared!! Maybe one day i will be scared of everything, the world might just crumble down, CRUSHED and DESTROYED, nobody cares anyway right? `cause life goes on, the world still spins! I want to understand and feel your pain, not just your joy. . . but if hiding your pain makes you comfortable, den i shall not force cause there's no point in forcing you doing something you don't like or not comfortable with. But deep down, i sense the pain!

50th day, doesn't seem any special or have any particular reason, i just wanna enjoy every moment, time, day, hour, minute, second spent together! That's the best i can ask of now!


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