
I haven't been updating even though holidays is already here. Had a few things in mind to blog it out along this period but yet again, I either can't find time to just sit down and write about it or just don't feel like logging in to finish up the entries.

Pardon me for this laziness, with this post 'kay =)

ECI Assignment 08 Thank you!

Maybe i should start with the review on the ECI assignment that happened just before the holidays? For many who doesn't know what is ECI, it actually means Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries. It's actually my only other module left in my final semester of my polytechnic. Well, for this assignment basically we had to set up a small business related to Thanksgiving, so my group came out with a few ideas and went on with the production. Shall not go on about this as i shall just let the pictures do all the talking!

ECI Assignment 08
~ "Measuring the handphone strap"

ECI Assignment 08
End Process!

ECI Assignment 08

ECI Assignment 08

ECI Assignment 08
~ "Stall Design for Day 1"

ECI Assignment 08
~ "Stall Design for Day 2"

ECI Assignment 08

ECI Assignment 08
~ "More designs to choose from. ."

ECI Assignment 08
~ " Fellow Classmates from different group!"

Alright, more pictures to be uploaded by tonight.

That's all folks!!!


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