
Haven't been updating for quite some time already. Been a little busy with tests and on-going projects that will be due at the end of this week. Actually wanted to blog many a time, but decided not to at the very last moment. Not that there is actually a very good reason to write one now, as i just wanted to take a little time off and type something random in here.

Recalling the time when i started this blog, it was just a web space for me to babble or store something i always wanted to say. Before i continue on the main topic, i would like to thank everyone that bought or helped to recommend others to buy these delicious mooncake from me.

Alright, back to the main issue, CHOICES.

This topic has actually been hitting my thoughts for a very very long time, and I've really been thinking deep and seriously considering about this. Examples that i can come out with,

At Age 15,
Reaching the teenager prime time, so got more involved in lifestyle activities.
Sneak in to enter NC-16 movie shows without being caught.
Interest in Pool that only allows aged 16 and above.
First Love.

At this point in life, i thought i had to make many choices which i in fact did, that changed my life or had affected my life totally. My direction and goal in life was adjusted and i was making more and more decision.

At Age 16,
Finally able to enter NC-16 without any worries.
Sneak in to enter M-18 movies shows without getting caught this time round.
Final stage of Secondary school life, Polytechnic or JC?
Also able to enter any pool center with the proud pink I/C to prove that you're of legal age.
Also got more contact with alcohol but only consumed within private area.
Always wanted to drive around Singapore, as long i could drive, nothing matters.

Well, of course also managed to drink at pubs or some other areas that are less strict or rather i got friends that are looking old enough? lol

At Age 18,
Reached the legal age to start learning driving,
Failed the first time Basic Theory, but managed to get a quick slot the following week,
Got my license within 8 months.
Happy being able to drive around myself!
M-18 was just a passer by, a legal age for me to go in without any worries.
Pubbing, Clubbing is just but a new activity for my buddies to do sometimes.

Actually nothing much has changed since, just maybe got older, more experience in certain stuff, now just waiting for the 21 to come to legalize anything i can do in Singapore, that I'm "old and mature" enough to make decisions myself to take responsibility for it.

I just wanted to say that choices we make in life will change as time goes on, and every decision made at any step of your life will affect the later part of your life so always think of our every move twice and not a hasty decision.

Of course, if an opportunity comes knocking right at your door, you just take a little thought to it, and make sure you don't let it go pass you so easily. Its just like the MRT that comes to your stations everyday, if you're slow and missed it, do you think that the MRT will wait till you come? It will just pass you by and go off without you.

Well, one whole semester of my final year is coming to just this last week, and not many projects are done yet. Who knows or even bothers anyway? Choice is hard to make, but i never regretted any up till now and i will never ever. I believe that there is hope in the world, i just have to find it!

Heh! i wanted to write more but time isn't with me now, so gotta stop here!! Cheers everyone and good luck to everything the world is doing!!

Also, just wanted to wish my nation, SINGAPORE A HAPPY 43th BIRTHDAY!!!!


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