finally got the time to write something before everyone start to think my blog is dead! As this week being the assignment due week, one can just imagine how tough is it to just find some time sit back and rest or slack at home and play games all the way!
The past few days hasn't got too well for me, although i had some rest from school work at the weekends, assignments have to be done sooner or later, and with myself to face the whole assignment from scratch to the end is something that i feel so achieved yet so drained out with so many things to cover and tank all by myself! Just some grumbling after handing up my assignments though i feel that a better version can be done given the time i spent doing the work.!
Everyone is kinda rushing out their assignments, be it Year 1's, 2's or 3's! After today's WCD presentation i was done for the day, so i slacked the whole time at the SMIT Dan-Sing booth while waiting for anyone to come forward and take up the challenge to this competiton! Not sure whether is our booth is so unattractive, or previous years' bad impression or just that people is just too BUSY with thier own stuff that they are not able to join the competition?
After yong hui was done with his interview, both Gavin & I went down to the club with him, and slacked there a while believing that for the first time after so long, we will be heading home early today as Gavin wanted to head over to Causeway Point to get his ear piece, accompanied along with WeiShan. However, when WeiShan arrived the club about 7pm, before Gavin could even start phyco-ing everyone else to follow and leave the clubroom to get his ear piece, we were helping some of the year 1s' to do their OOPG assignment that most of them did last year.
However, as they either didn't understand what the hell the teacher is teaching, or the teacher didn't teach lesson at all. Basically, all the codes were hard-coded and from what i observed, everyone is just the blind following the blind and from that i can believe that the teacher is already given up on trying to see a very good java programme done and just hope that through hard-coding they will be able to derive the same solution as what the assignment's requirements!
Yet, even with 5 'A' Java students helping out, the hard coding is simply just messy and complicated for us to help also, so we decided to follow the guide given by the teacher and generate a brand new one for them to follow. At least something to be submit to get some good marks from the teacher! To think we can be stuck for 5 minutes just trying to call out an array[]! Well, ulitmately we managed to solve all the problems faced quite quickly as we had some breaks here and there playing the PSPs, and finding out the fault from the guide given by the teacher!
I guess i should be heading to sleep and hopefully i will be able to absorb all WCD lecture material by tomorrow as i have a test which holds a 30% weightage for the whole module! Wish me luck^_^ !!!
Last but not least, the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D council is offically Initialized and there will definately be more updates on this, so do stay tuned!
Thats all folks!~
Over & Out!!
as the title state,
busy busy assignment! will update post with pictures soon
ughh, haven't been able to blog this few days as i was feeling abit sick and out of place.
Well, despite recovering from sickness, i still went to school and have fun as usual. Such a minor sickness won't dampen my mood, it will just affect my usual self as i don't feel comfortable. Alright, enough about complaining on my sickness, i shall be writing about my FO's group, TRITONS! outing. . .
First of, i had to get back to school in the morning for LTC meeting and was kinda held back, thus i was late in meeting up my members at Marina Square. Since Samantha was also part of the planning team, both of us went down together to meet up with those that could come earlier as those who can't make it earlier will be meeting us for dinner later about 7pm.
Though there wasn't many that was free in the afternoon, some of them actually had to wait for us for quite a bit, so have to say sorry to them for being late since it was me who set the timing!. Since we were arriving, they went on to eat their lunch first, and waited for us to find them at the food court. Here's some of the pictures taken in the food court!
First photo of the day! (sam, sheri, ter, mos & hermi)
The Queen & princesses
After that, since we had to find something to do while waiting for the rest to come and meet us up at Marina Square, we decided to head over to the bowling alley, but judging the cost of just playing one game of ten pins, i rather use the money to play pool instead since its just next door! There wasn't any nice/clear picture taken during this time as. . . *well benefit for those who were there and know what happen! Haha^_^
After spending about 2 hours there playing pool, it will time to meet up with the rest and thus, we headed over to the " " restaurant for dinner! We had a simple meal before having a susprise for Samantha, with a cake and a card done specially for her, design compliments from Sherilyn!! well, nothing much to be said, i shall let the photo do the rest!!
Samantha & Sherilyn
*why is mos poping out? haha
Emma & Samantha
Happy cutting the cake right?
Our daughters (Patrina, Emma, sAm, Sherilyn & Fang Qing)
*Sharifah away on a project
*Adrian, Anders, Sharifah & Terence missing from the group!
Its me & my sons!
*Adrian, Anders & Terence absent
Look at my greedy piggy 'wife'
28cm cake Mission Cleared!
Table group photo with the b'dae girl
Table group photo II with the b'dae girl
Finally have me in the group photos
*Thanks to FQ for taking this picture
To end off this memorable post, I will like to extend my thanks for many people.
Firstly, i will like to thank ALL TRITONS to make this gathering possible and fun?
Than, also thank the 'idiot' uncle who took the picture for us, and i realise most of them were blur? Haha
Plus, will like to thanks HAN's for the food and cake!
Lastly, will like to thank Samantha for her time? and wishing her an EARLY B'dae!!
*Although you said that your birthday is not today, but to gather all the TRITONS and celebrate together wouldn't be an easy task so i thought of celebrating earlier!! Hope it really susprised you^^
You Are Not Stupid |
![]() You got 10/10 questions right! While acing this quiz doesn't prove you're a genius, you're at least pretty darn smart. |
Well, as promised. . . pictures to say it all!
Group photo_01: (Left) Zoe, Samantha, Suzanne, Adelin & mE
Group photo_02: (Left) Zoe, Samantha, Adelin, mE, Suzanne & Bastian
Group photo_03: (Left) Zoe, Samantha, Adelin, Fish, Suzanne, Shermain & Bastian
Group photo_04: (Left) Zoe, Samantha, Adelin, mE, Shermain & Fish
Group photo_05: (Left) Zoe, Samantha, Adelin, mE, Shermain & Fish
Sadly, but thats all folks. . .
Continuing from part I,
After recieving the new that i have passed the test, i was without a doubt happy and overjoyed! As usual, i called my family members to let them know the result of the test, and hear what they got to say about it! Well, this is what they said. . .
F: I passed!!!
Dad: Okay, you can start driving but just be careful when you're on the road, i let you do what you want, but you better behave yourself OK!!
F: I passed!!!
Mum: Congratz on passing the test, you can start driving already, but be very careful when out on the road...
F: I passed!!
Before you all start thinking everyone has the same answer, wait and see. . . . .
Sis: Congratz, and happy for you. But please don't drive out the car as you just pass your test. Wait till there is someone more experienced to follow me on my first few trips to guide me along!
Well, i know everyone has my interest at heart, so i would also like to extend my thanks to everyone that wished me luck, 'cursed' me due to the test date, or whatever that got link towards this test! Once again, THANK YOU!!
After the test, my dad came to fetch me using our family car and i drove myself to school to prepare for the ZOUK event for the Oops! launch party. . . When i reached, i had my lunch with zOe before heading up the bus towards ZOUK.
Well, i will be uploading the pictures in the next post and save on all the talking, letting all the pictures do the talk!!
Over and OUt!!
Been a while since i last wrote an entry!
12/7 - Today is the official Launch of Oops! Lifestyle Magazine. It was when i was on the way to school that i decided to go and help out with the launch. So instead of going to class, i went to T17 which was the headquarters for the launch.
And because of that, i was given LOA till 3pm as the launch ended around that time too. Overall the launch was quite successful as i can see the large crowd queuing up for the goodie bag and magazine release. As usual Singaporeans will do, they will queue up for any free thing available to them! I was in charge to FC6, to ensure that everything over there was well taken care of.
The goodie bags at FC6 went out in a flash. And we had fun by making people doing funny and stupid things to get a New Urban Male(NUM) Vouchers. They even prepared some "Oreo's" for people to take up the challenge and eat it in exchange for the vouchers! After most of the crowd faded off, we were also left with just giving out of the magazine all the way till about 1.55pm where we pack up and head back to HQ.
Well done everyone for the launch! Oops!
13/7 - Today is the day of my driving test and trying to make myself sleep so early in the night is quite impossible. Most probably was the nervous about the test since it was on Friday 13, Week 13 of my School term! Haha. . .
I woke up about 8 to get ready for my final driving lesson before test itself! During the lesson itself, it was all good and well, roaring to go for the test till my driving instructor suddenly just smack the front of the car, signaling that its a e.brake test, so i was damn shock la. But i still managed to do it without much problems.
After that, i went on to register myself for the attendance of the test, and had to sit in a private room where all the canditates are also waiting inside for the tester to call out their names for the test. Not susprising enough, there was 13 canditate including one that came very late. Fierce-looking, Smiling, Friendly, all kinds of testers were seen calling out the canditates, till suddenly one malay guy came and call out, "Alex Ferguson" which caught my susprise yet again today!
After starting up the vehicle, just when everyone was suppose to be feeling very nervous about it, i can feel the confidence building within me which i strongly believe it was the tester's friendliness that made me feel very comfortable driving. Inside the circuit, everything was perfect and well-done so more confidence was found to go out and handle the road traffic and pass the test!!!!!! RAWR!
However, just when i was getting out of the circuit, i guess i was too hurry to get it over and done with, so i sort of got out of the center abit too much of a hurry which as a learner i should wait for a better traffic condition before i go. For that, i was marked 4 points for it la...
Well, the outside road test was over relatively fast, and i got back to the center first from my cohort i guess! While walking up to the tester's office, i saw this girl that was crying away, explaining to her mum about how she failed the test cause she couldn't make it up to the slope inside the circuit. But i was very confident i've pass the test, and was just waiting the tester to tell me the judgement.
Inside the room, he said i was quite a smooth driver, that can drive very well already, just maybe shouldn't be going too fast all the time, and be more careful to the condition of the road due to that incident which he had to explain to me why he gave me that demerit points! But finally he said:"YOU PASSED!!!!!!!"........
Upon hearing that, my mind was Wooohooooooo! and lets go !@!
--------------- Part 2 will come later, suddenly very busy in the shop! --------------------------
Time for a long entry with pictures attached(:
Yesterday I had an early driving lesson on the road to refresh myself about the test routes as I’ve been going to the circuit for practice. With my test coming in just 5 more days, I had better get myself ready for any possible mistakes and ensure I will not do that mistake on the actual day of the test.
Overall, it was generally the usual smooth driving around the roads in Ubi, Kaki Bukit area. I guess the more I drive, the more confident I am day by day, but I had better hope this confidence in me is going to help me get that license on my test day and not give me up on the time where I need it the most! The fear of failing this test may not be the end of the world for me, but I will feel like I’ve done injustice to myself and to everyone that sincerely hoped that I will do it the first time. I won’t say that I have the talents for it, but I would say that driving is not a problem for me at all.
After that, I went on to Changi Village to meet up with Gavin and the rest to head towards Pulau Ubin for our first recee in preparation for this year’s bonding camp. As I was late due to my driving lesson, so I decided to take a cab from where I ended my lesson to meet up with them. However, it probably just ended the rain so I guess all the taxis are pretty much utilized, so taxi drivers’ should never complain about not earning enough cause there is always abundant of people trying to get a cab but to no avail.
I waited for about 15 minutes before I could finally get on to the cab and proceed to Changi Jetty. Just when I thought I could take a quick nap while getting my way there as the taxi driver claims he knows the way there and ensure that I will get there in 20 minutes as he knows that I was rushing for time. He took me for a long detour around and even brought me to all kinds of ferry terminal till I decided to wake myself up and tell him whatever knowledge of getting the way there.
Hmm, when i reached, we immediately went on to the bump boat and head toward Pulau Ubin. And for the rest of the story, i will let the pictures talk about it^_^... EnJoy!!
Everyone taking a toilet break & thinking where to go!
Year 2 Group Photo at Campsite!
Memories we had...
Tired arh, Gavin?
Mark & Bastian.. on the way back...
Adelin, Ericson, Yong Hui & the nDS...
This week back at school hasn't been very expected, although i miss some lessons here and there, most of it that i attended were quite slack and discussing mostly about the assignments that will be due in weeks to come.
Current Assignments:
DMP Media Player - 10% done (done just loading up the player image)
MMMI Assignment 2 & 3 - 0% done (starting tomorrow during lesson)
WCD JavaScript Website - 0% (to be started. ha ha)
WSC Blog Creation - 0%
IDD Assignment 2 - 0%
These are the 5 assignments that is due either the end of the month or early next month before the term break. Looking at this, i just realise that i do have work to be done and started with. But don't be shocked by 0% as it will eventually increase as the assignments' due date draws near. This time already considered quite early realisation, cause i was more of a last minute worker last semester!
Also, updates on SPunk is that the principal has finally got the wind of the magazine and he's going to be making a final decision as to whether the magazine will even be published out, despite the fact that the publicity of the lanuch is already there and promoted.
Next on the list is also the main priority of the month is my driving test that is going to be in the next 8 days? Today i went to the circuit for practise and it wasn't the best of the circuits as I felt that i should be doing better considering the test being so close already. Well, i guess its just the ups and downs when learning how to drive that is going through me now, so i will just have to ensure that during my test it will be the Best ever!!
Drift Drift Drift. . .
Currently working at the lan shop till late, so kinda bored at the main station and even up till now there is still like 30+ people inside playing, which is quite unusual. Wonder if today is some payday or what special day that got so many groups of people to play till late today~
So now i'm just facing the computer, staring at it blankly that i decided to write one entry since i did almost everything i could think of already. Worse is i didn't bring my laptop today, and its just only me, my wallet and handphone. Sitting alone in the main lobby can get darn bored at times, so maybe someone would see this entry and talk to me or something.
With this, i will be working overtime today, but i will probably get paid an extra $10 or so for an additional 1-2 hours of work. Haiz, somehow i feel underpaid for over mid-night work man..... I've been thinking of saving up some money to clear some of my overdue debts and revamp up my computer that has been cranky this few days. I would love to get a new speaker with amp, G15 keyboard and a replacement of my old mousepad, its getting old le... haha.... time for it to retire and start using the new technology can offer?
School also started for a week already, but i've already missed half of the week due to the redesigning of the magazine and seems like all the assignments are closing in with events from the club going to be happening soon, i will probably be very very busy for the next month or so.
This morning also had a circuit driving lesson, which was only my second time going in, but overall i think i am performing well enough but maybe be more consistent to be more confident in the TP due in 2 wks time! Argh, so many things are on going co-currently and i gotta also think of some time to prastice my driving since the test is drawing very very close. By the end of today, it will be the start of July, and it count down 13 days from now!! So everyone wish me all the LUCK i can get! and i will perform my usual! ahah~!
Over and Out of this long entry....